Saturday, February 29, 2020

Building a Wireless Sensor Network Essay Example for Free (#6)

Building a Wireless Sensor Network Essay 1.0 Introduction In the previous era, the technology application mostly using wire but now a wireless device has become common place. The definition of wireless sensor network is an application that having no wires connection on that devices. In addition, to make the system easy to monitor from a distant location, the RF 433MHz module was used. So, this project gave rise to the idea for studying details about the RF 433MHz module performance for WSN application. 1.1 Project Background Nowadays, using the wireless sensor network (WSN) technology to monitor the environment helps someone to solve the problems of deployment difficulty, high cost, and realized unmanned monitoring which is mostly used in factory, buildings, laboratory and house. This project is to study the range and performance of the RF 433MHz module for WSN application. RF 433MHz module are popular used in remote control system. This range also available to use in this area. There are two types of the RF module which is transmitter and receiver. From research, using RF 433MHz module, the data can get more accurately without any data losses with the range that given than compared to other transmission for wireless sensor network. The range that can reach by this RF module is different between outside and inside area. For inside area, it can work for 50 meters through multiple walls with an antenna, while for the outside area, it will be able for hundreds of meters. Besides that, a microcontroller such as Arduino also used in this project. Arduino that available for this project is Arduino PRO which is it has 3.3V port that will be easier to connect directly to the types of RF 433MHz module that used in this project. This project also will be studied the analysis of the data transmission by giving a few of distance between the transmitter and receiver of the RF 433MHz modules when located in the obstacles or line of sight area. Then, the data that are received will be displayed on the computer whether there are data losses or not. 1.2 Problem Statement The problem that becoming as issues right now is there is a lot of ways to send data but the problem is about the range, cost, and data losses. So, for this situation, study the performance of RF 433MHz can overcome the problem for the WSN application. The objectives of this project are to understand the range and performance of RF 433MHz module. Moreover, exploration about the transmitting and receiving the data by using the RF 433MHz module. 1.4 Work Scope The main work scope of this project is to make sure this project will achieve the objectives. The main focus of this project:- i. To study and understanding the range of RF 433MHz module. ii. To transfer data by using RF 433MHz module. 1.5 Methodology In this project, there are three main parts. For the first part, it will be focused on the conducting the literature review and do some research more detail about the RF 433MHz module. Meanwhile, for the second part, after the software development process, the hardware development process will take over and include the testing of the project. Last part, when the hardware and software complete their part, it will be followed by testing the performance and the operation of the project to make an analysis. 1.6 Report Structure This part will explain all the flow for completing this report and project. In this report, there are five chapters. Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter will introduce the background of the project, state the problems, clear about the objectives, scope of work, planned the methodology and structure of report to make it organized. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter will be explained more details about all the research that have been done. Then, the summarization for the project also will be attached to this chapter to make it clear. Chapter 3: Methodology The methodology is the procedures or steps when doing this project. The simulation, analysis, and evaluation of the project will be discussed in this chapter. This method is important because from here the flow of the process for the project will be updated. Chapter 4: Expected Results The expected results in the software or hardware will be stated in this chapter. The comparisons and improvements of this project will be described here. Analysis of the results also will be discussed here. Chapter 5: Conclusion In this chapter, to make a conclusion for all the summary of this project was collected in each part can be discussed in the conclusion. Building a Wireless Sensor Network. (2018, Apr 18). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knowledge management - Essay Example Knowledge management theorists categorize tacit and explicit knowledge. Using simulation, graphs, games and other materials will be part of explicit knowledge, which relates to the use of knowledge or information stored in a data base, games etc. As Wiig (2004, p. 98) noted, making use of stories, simulation and games for knowledge management essentially requires that the recipients must have sufficient background and prior knowledge. Games, simulation, calculation, recreation, graphical representation are some of the techniques and strategies that can be used for creating knowledge, sharing it between people, transferring it from one group to the other and making use of it for the overall benefits of organization. In using or depending on gaming, simulation and other tools for knowledge management, computer or any other electronic media can be used for storing information in useable data base, converting them to more convenient forms and getting them highly useful for the organizati onal requirements. The main techniques to be used for this purpose include maintaining accuracy, reliability, dependability and flexibility etc.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

I don't have one, thats my problem Should be a topic that deals Research Paper

I don't have one, thats my problem Should be a topic that deals broadly with a problem with educational purposes within american society - Research Paper Example We begin with an overview of the controversies surrounding standardized testing in a modern context and evaluate these controversies with an eye to how educators can learn from the issues at hand. We explore the issue of race and standardized testing and discern whether or not standardized testing is the best means through which student evaluation is undertaken. From this perspective, the historical and sociopolitical issues surrounding standardized testing in America are brought to the fore. Controversy surrounding the implementation of standardized testing can be found throughout the United States. Does a uniform, standardized test accurately reflect a student’s educational aptitude, learning history and future academic performance? As mentioned above, standardized testing is quite common in the United States as the SAT remains a near universal experience for high school students across the country aiming to get into the universities and colleges of the choice. The issue of standardized testing is relatively recent worldwide and remains embroiled in controversy. Presently, Canadian universities do not require a standardized test for admittance although many graduate school programs do. These include the GMAT or LSAT for law school applications. Presently, Montreal’s McGill University is the only English-language law school in North America which does not require an LSAT score for admittance. As the issue of standardized testing came to the fore, a Septemb er 2005 poll by the College of Teachers found that 71% of teachers were â€Å"dead set against standardized testing†. In a survey from 2004, Teachers vehemently oppose the use of standardized tests as a means to evaluate staff or schools or to decide how money is allocated to schools or school boards. The public disagrees. For example, 79 per cent of teachers oppose using provincial tests to